1. Congressional members being paid off via House Bank criminal fraud?–Inside U.S. intelligence sources are telling us that members of Congress are being paid off via hot checks with overdraft protection which is written off by the House Bank. Members are reportedly writing checks in exchange for votes as an illegal payoff and bribe regarding particular bills coming up for key floor votes, after which the House Bank later writes off the transaction as a bad check. This is being permitted with full knowledge of the Bush administration according to the sources. The United States Code specifically addresses this issue and the penalties for “economic plunder” by government officials. The matter is being looked into by intelligence operatives to further verify the allegations with additional evidence in order to stop the illegal payments

  2. A retired intelligence agency official corroborated the revelations of a national security expert that male and female heterosexuals, homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals and underage children provided sexual services to numerous congressmen, senators, national media hosts, top military officers and other federal officials who were compromised and made susceptible to blackmail at three Washington, DC hotels since 2000.

    The long-time intelligence insider with multiple Capitol Hill sources told TomFlocco.com that convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff operated the sex / spy ring at the Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton hotels in Washington, DC. “The whole Republican Party was for sale—the House, Senate and the White House,” said the well-respected federal insider with impeccable and historic intelligence credentials who declined to be named at this time but who is familiar with testimony and sources close to a grand jury probing the GOP lobbyist’s sale of sex in return for legislative influence over taxpayer dollars.

  3. LITTLE BOYS & GIRLS FOR MILITARY AND DEFENSE CONTRACTS: DEJA-VU ALL OVER AGAIN?—U.S. senators and congressmen are covering up the Dusty Foggo government lobbyist and military prostitution and pedophilia ring in Washington involving legislators, news reporters, military officers and high government officials. Alberto Gonzales and President Bush fired San Diego U.S. Attorney Carol Lam because she was probing the Dusty Foggo / Jack Abramoff D.C. sex ring. Did some senators vote for the Iraq war and taxpayer-funded military contracts because they were blackmailed over sex for votes? Will honest legislators and career federal agents continue to let them get away with it like they did during the Sr. Bush administration? Will we see more call-boy sex headlines in the Washington Times? Will sexually compromised news executives and reporters continue to suppress the story? Federal agents already handed the evidence to Carol Lam before she was fired. Will Lam speak out? Is there still a secret probe? Will senators and congressmen continue the cover-up? Does this explain the weak Gonzales hearings and refusal by Democrats to ask WHAT the fired attorneys were investigating? Is child sex and prostitution in exchange for defense contracts and votes for war too explosive for the American people to hear? Is that the reason for the cover up? Or is it prison terms?

  4. Those Republican and Democrat members of Congress who may have been in the crosshairs of Lam and the other prosecutors can be assumed to have an important stake in facilitating presidential obstruction of justice and soft congressional hearings—if only to protect their own careers and potential criminal liability of prosecution for bribery, blackmail, compromised legislation or a corrupt vote to send American troops to die in Iraq based on lies.

  5. Cambone’s explosive written observations provide proof that a commitment to place Baghdad on the front burner was foremost on the minds of Bush administration officials almost simultaneously as the alleged “hijackers” attacked, revealing Rumsfeld’s full fixation on finding a justification “related” to “or not” related to Iraq as 9-11 perpetrator.

    The Bush administration wanted to create a “boogie-man” in Saddam Hussein as partly responsible for September 11—no matter what, all according to top-secret internal memos from key aide Cambone; however, both have not publicly explained before career prosecutors why Iraq had to become a perpetrator despite now-proven phony and non-existent evidence.

    An explosive CBS News report on September 4, 2002 fully exposed the existence of Cambone’s September 11 notes and explained their contents—including the “go massive” and “things related and not” references to war against Iraq.

    Congress and the 9-11 Commission obstructed justice by failing to publicly report the stunning revelations which represent meritorious evidence requiring grand jury testimony.

  6. Federal agents have handed over evidence of White House prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks on America to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi which she is withholding from prosecutors according to sources within the government. Democrats have become increasingly disenchanted with Pelosi’s willingness to “take the impeachment of the President off the table.” Agents say that Pelosi could be guilty of obstruction of justice under 18 United States Code 4 if it can be proven that she knowingly failed to release criminal evidence to proper authorities and federal prosecutors—-particularly those U.S. attorneys recently fired by the Bush administration.TomFlocco.com was told by a U.S. intelligence source that “Pelosi has everything on 9/11.” Americans who wish to encourage Mrs. Pelosi to do her job, follow the United States Code of law, and seek accountability and justice regarding 9/11 evidence in her possession may contact her via the following numbers:
    Pelosi House office: 202-225-4965 / fax: 202-225-8259
    Pelosi Speaker’s office: 202-225-0100 / switchboard: 202-224-3121

  7. Since the majority of Congress has been compromised and blackmailed to prevent Mr. Bush from being held criminally accountable, impeachment is considered to be out of the question by intelligence factions who have turned to Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s grand jury as the more credible threat to the Bush presidency. Astonishing and outrageous criminal evidence and testimony has reportedly already been provided to grand juries. Some 60-70% of all federal intelligence agents are said to be finished with Bush administration crimes to the extent that they are handing over proof of criminality directly to Fitzgerald’s career prosecutors supervising the grand juries.

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