Rep. Wexler: Want Healthcare For Children? Impeach!

RAWSTORY — Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL) says he’s hatched a plan that will secure health care for children, help to restore America’s reputation around the world, and empower the the Democratic party to rediscover the courage of its convictions. He calls it “impeachment hearings.”

Appearing in his home state for a meeting of the Palm Beach County Democratic Executive Committee last week, Wexler told the crowd that if Congress were to hold hearings on the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney, the move would advance a wide array of Democratic legislative priorities and even help a more “popular” United States head off foreign policy crises. The remarks were first reported by the Palm Beach Post’s George Bennett.

“The way we pass stem-cell research, the way we get implemented a children’s health care plan, the way we get higher CAFE [corporate average fuel economy] standards to bring our energy debacle into a better condition for generations to come is to have impeachment hearings,” Wexler said, appearing to nearly run out breath at one point during his speech. “Because that’ll get the president’s eye. That’ll get the vice president’s eye. That for the first time will show that the Democratic majority is here, and that in fact we have the courage of our convictions, and that we’re not bound to be tied by conventional wisdom.”

Wexler said that impeachment hearings weren’t just an option available to Congress, but a requirement.

“This administration has abused its power in office…and it is the obligation — not discretionary — but it is the obligation of this Congress to investigate,” he said. “And that’s what I and some of my colleagues are beginning to call for.”

Later, Wexler suggested the US was sorely in need of popularity boost in the world community.
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  1. M,

    Thank you for visiting our site Mr. Flat Earther. It is so good to have you join us 23%er.

    Points of interest in your comment above:

    1). We are for impeachment because Bush/Cheney are anti-Constitution and acting as if above the law. That doesn’t equate to Communism. Go back to high school Poli Sci and look up the definition of communism and get back to us with your renewed knowledge.

    2). “Economy tanks because of stupid left-wing policies”? Oh really? With a Republican president for nearly 8 years and GOP control of both House and Senate for most of Bush’s first term and GOP control STILL in the Senate (49-49 tie with 2 Independents – one of them being DINO Joe Lieberman and Cheney having the tie-breaking vote if it ever comes to that)… you are going to claim it is Liberal economic policies that are to blame? What we are seeing is the logical conclusion following decades of Reagan Conservatism – the rich are getting richer and the rest of us are getting screwed.

    3). Go kneel down in front of your Joe McCarthy poster and make your animal sacrifice to the Gods of fascism that you worship.

  2. Wow, I had no idea there were so many communists/socialists in this country. Oh well, I guess when our economy tanks because of your stupid left-wing policies, you can blame that on Bush too; just like the weather, al-queda, cancer, botox, and whatever else wrong in the world.

    I don’t know why websites like this, huffington, kos, ACLU and the others don’t have a constant loop of the communist party national anthem playing.

  3. I am a 78 year old wheel chair bound shut in without a printer please mail me a copy of this petition to impeach bush. Please send me as many as you can. 100 copys would not be un reasonable amont for I will mail them at my own cost to many people who want Bush out. 715-762-1002 425 4th st south Park Falls WI 54552. I must sign yrt without your help? Brothers and Sisters please do help me and do all need to be notorizsd? May God bless your work!

  4. Why is Debbie Wasserman – and Linda Sanchez NOT demanding impeachment? What is their rationale???

  5. There’s been a lot of talk over the past year or two on the topic of Impeachment but this is a REQUIREMENT not an option and people need to rally!

  6. I cannot over emphasize the statement Rep. Robert Wexler, (who I am proud to say is my representative in Congress) made that impeachment is not just an option made available to Congress but a requirement. A REQUIREMENT!
    If that is so then why is Congress more concerned with “steroids” in Baseball then they are with their Constituional responsibilities.
    For whatever reason, Nancy Pelosi believes that she has the right to take it upon herself, against the wishes of an overwhelming majority of Americans.
    There are some that have recently speculated that Pelosi was scared due to her unlawful knowledge of the CIA’s illegal torturing of prisoners. Intersting, huh?
    I, like other real Americans are totally frustrated by this Congress and their unwillingness to take any form of action to seek justice. I write daily to vent my frustration in my blog, The Lang Report, which gives me some sort of satisfaction….but it’s not enough!

    Michael Lang
    The Lang Report

  7. You go !! Bobby……………….it always takes cojones to lead the way for Justice.
    In the popular vernacular: “You da’ man, Mr Wexler.

  8. Impeachment imsmeachment- Just keep talking until January 09′- don’t actually DO anything

  9. I, too, am glad to hear somebody else in Congress talk seriously about impeachment. Unfortunately, it will be easy enough for the crooks out there to cut and paste his speech to make it sound like a move strictly to help the Democratic Party, rather than save the nation.

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