Wexler’s Impeach Cheney Petition tops 200,000

A surge in online petition signers since Florida Representative Robert Wexler’s appearance on the House floor Tuesday evening calling for impeachment hearings to commence against Vice President Dick Cheney has boosted the Wexler Petition past 190,000 and suddenly up to over 202,000. If you have not yet signed, go to www.WexlerWantsHearings.com and add your name to the list of those who feel an immediate investigation of Cheney’s highly suspicious pre-war activities is warranted.


If you have already signed, send the link www.WexlerWantsHearings.com to ten of your friends and encourage them to join this rapidly growing list.

(Click here to sign the petition)


  1. And finally:
    The fact that you still use the known, corrupted ‘Digg’ link is indicative of your lack of up to date knowledge.

  2. lordy..
    I am on YOUR side (author) but the video I am shooting will make a fine addition at youtube to your bs

  3. One would think you would leave the comments to those ppl wanting more than the public to sign the petition (like mark) or otherwise support this effort.

  4. No doubt, jer.
    If some candidate put that much effort into taking down the perps, the US would suddenly be ‘attacked’ and likely Martial Law would follow.. you could forget about the elections with the attack forever putting us in the hands of bush the fuhr.

  5. MARK:
    ‘Busting Bush’ should be afar from the main goals of any serious candidate.
    However, such an endeavour could be easily put on the table once the candidate were actually president.

  6. If Ron Paul cared so much about the Constitution, Why hasn’t he signed on to Impeaching Cheney or spent time creating a bill to Impeach Bush. Why?

  7. I thought Dennis was going to write a bill to Impeach Bush in 2008. Dennis has done plenty on the Impeachment issue. It is time for others to do their part. Wexler has done his part. Will one other member help out? There are 435 members. We need to draft someone.

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