‘Bush’ begs for own impeachment, California citizens agree

me.jpgBe Bush for a Day, Then Tell Me the People Don’t Want Impeachment
Randy “W” Sandberg, San Jose, CA

As “George W. Bush” — at this year’s 2008 California Democratic Convention in San Jose, CA — I lost count of how many hundreds of people came up to me, besides wanting to take pictures, and said,

“We will impeach you,” “Oh yes, I would love to impeach you,” “Yes, yes, yes, I support impeachment 100 percent,” “I’d love to do more than just impeach you,” “Orange looks good on you George,” etc., etc., et cetera. There were also many people who came up to me and said, “Thank you for doing this.”

From this point onward, if anyone such as Speaker Pelosi, Chairperson Conyers, or Congressperson Lofgren, ever claims, “There’s just not enough support for impeachment hearings,” I will laugh out loud and then suggest they too put on a Bush mask and see for themselves the level of support that’s out there!
