Impeachment This Thursday, Over a Freeway (Join Us)

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We Impeach – This Thursday at afternoon rush hour, a number of protesters will appear on overpasses (in Minnesota) to advertise to the traffic below, the necessity of impeachment. Send us pictures of how you did the same in your state (or join us in MN!) this Thursday at your local overpass. We will create a page showing off all of your handiwork. If you can spell out “#WeImpeach” so they can learn how to send their impeachment memorials to Congress, all the better. Let’s get this party started !

#WeImpeach #Impeach #Trump #Resist #theResistance #ImpeachTrump #dumpTrump #POTUS #NoFascistUSA #muslimban #CalltoAction

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How to impeach a president
Citizen led Trump impeachment method. The Rules of the House of Representatives stipulate citizens can initiate impeachment.

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