D.C. Dems quashing local impeachment attempts…

Etopia News – Strong opposition to proceeding with a hearing on Washington State Senate Joint Memorial 8016 (SJM 8016), which calls on the U.S. Congress to begin an investigation leading to a possible impeachment of George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney for various alleged anti-Constitutional actions, scheduled for this coming Thursday, March 1, 2007, at 3:30 pm PST in the Washington State Capitol Building in Olympia, and a personal lobbying effort to de-rail this meeting, are coming from two prominent Washington State national electeds, U.S. Senator Patty Murray and U.S. Representative Jay Inslee. “D.C. Dems want to stop legislative impeachment talk,” by David Postman, writing this morning in the Seattle Times. (Read More)

1 Comment

  1. Why doesn’t this surprise me…both the dems & the rep are controled by the same ppl.
    I don’t see it changing any time soon as “they” have made it so expensive to run that a 3rd party can’t compete, & God know we need more than these 2 bought & sold partys that no longer give a damn about the ppl

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