Card: Rove’s Claim That Congress Pushed Bush To War Is Wrong

John Bresnahan, The Politico

Former White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card this morning contradicated Karl Rove, the former Bush White House deputy chief of staff, on the October 2002 vote for the use-of-force resolution authorizing military action in Iraq, ThinkProgress reports.

Rove claimed that Congress, not President Bush, pushed for a quick vote on the Iraq resolution, but Card said that is not the case. “‘The administration was opposed” to voting for a war resolution in the fall of 2002, Rove claimed. “It seemed it make things move too fast,’ he argued,” ThinkProgress wrote.

(Original Article)



    Now Rove declares the rush to war
    Was urged ahead by Congress,
    But we alive then know the score
    And who were the war-mongers.

    Rove, Cheney, Wolfowitz and Perle,
    Rumsfeld and all that ilk,
    Therefore don´t trust as lies unfurl
    Or let revision bilk.

    Truth does depend upon the word,
    The public record plain
    Reveals the gist of what occurred,
    So let us not detain

    Over the lies of men like Rove:
    The facts don´t run with Karl,
    Nor repetition´s ceaseless shove
    Succeed the truth to gnarl.

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