Rep. Nadler Opposes The Constitution on Impeachment

width=”250″Tonight a smart and determined group of impeachment activists gathered in front of the Yale Club of New York City to urge Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) to hold impeachment hearings. Nadler was scheduled to speak at the annual dinner for Citizen Action of New York, one of New York’s leading progressive organizations, which does outstanding work on education, health care, and other important issues.

Nadler chairs the Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties, so Dennis Kucinich’s H.Res. 333 (recently revised as H.Res. 799) is before his committee, which makes him a key player on impeachment.

I stood with the impeachment activists for a while before the event began, and the response from passers-by was mostly positive, although midtown Manhattan is not a place to encourage honking!

I bought a ticket to the dinner inside hoping to speak with Nadler on behalf of the activists outside. While Nadler arrived near the end, I did get to spend a few minutes discussing impeachment with him, although we kept getting interrupted by other guests.

I have lobbied Nadler on impeachment several times, so I did not take him by surprise and he greeted me with a friendly smile, and we covered much of the same ground. “When are you going to schedule hearings on impeachment?” I began, aiming right for the bottom line. “As a subcommittee chairman I can’t make that decision, it’s up to Chairman Conyers,” he replied.

“Besides it’s a bad idea,” he said. “Why?” I asked. “It would suck all the oxygen out of Congress, and we wouldn’t get anything else done.” I suppressed the obvious snarky answer that they weren’t getting anything else done anyway, and took a different tack: “But it’s just one subcommittee, how can that suck all the oxygen out of Congress?” “You know how the media would jump on it,” he replied. I wanted to say, “Yes and that’s good because the American people would support the impeachment effort,” but someone else pulled him aside.
I waited and gave it one more try. “Impeachment can never work, it wasn’t designed for a two-party system, that’s why we’ve never removed a President” he said. “So then we should tear up the Constitution?” I asked.
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1 Comment

  1. Thats true it may have never worked before….BECAUSE WE DIDN’T START REMOVING THE BROKEN PIECES FIRST…….Once the 2nd or 3rd worthless bag of wind is recalled back home for failing to “UPHOLD AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION FROM ALL THREATS FORIEGN AND DOMESTIC”…..then and only then they will start taking the oath that they swore with their hand on the bible seriously…….but as long as we let HIRED PUBLIC SERVANTS tell us what we can have instead of demanding from our EMPLOYEES what we want….. then that bag of wind is right….and those employees will continue to tell us it won’t work…..

    So start with Pelosi….get rid of her…then you will have everyones attention….Next if Conyers hasn’t gotten the wake up call….hes gone…I called his office a couple of weeks ago to ask him “WHAT WERE THE NAMES OF THE PEOPLE WHO WERE STANDING IN THE WAY OF IMPEACHMENT……They said they can’t tell me that…..WTF? Then its about time somebody started making a damn list. And the public by state can start FIRING the employees who refuse to do what the majority of Americans in their state want them to do….Got a repuglican state….sorry… are probably stuck with your turd….unless of course enough of your states citizens who voted for dumb and evil have decided they have made a serious mistake and want to make it right…It really is not a big deal…..these are the most self serving people you will ever find in one place….the minute they think their lifetime retirement is in jeopardy, they will tell you they saw UFO’s if they thought it would mean they wouldn’t get fired. They have no morals, they have no loyalty, they have no honor…they don’t have to….they are the only employees on the planet that can lie under oath, refuse to do thier job and get away with it…..and still get their retirements and benefits…..WTF….its a damn sick joke…

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