Kucinich’s Impeachment Letter to Rep. Conyers

November 9, 2007
The Honorable John Conyers, Jr.
Committee on the Judiciary
2138 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chairman Conyers

I am writing in support of H. Res. 799, the Articles of Impeachment which were referred to the committee relative to the Impeachment of the Vice President of the United States of America.

Recent reports indicate that the Vice President is attempting to shape the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran to conform to his misperceptions about the threat Iran actually poses. Much like his deceptive efforts in the lead up to the Iraq war, the Vice President appears to be manipulating intelligence to conform to his beliefs.

If the reports are true, they add additional weight to the case for impeachment. I believe impeachment remains the only tool Congress has to prevent a war in Iran. This information relates directly to the Article III charges in the resolution. I urge your timely consideration.



Dennis J. Kucinich

Member of Congress


  1. Great questions Rick. What do you think? Why do you think the Democratic National Party has a vested interest in impeachment not happening?

    Pelosi complicit in knowing about torture – one of the impeachable offenses?

  2. Hey you guys, if Dennis Kucinish is so right, and so many Americans want President Bush impeached, why is he off the Democratic debates for president, If he’s so right and correct why hasn’t he gone beyond a “dog catcher’s” chance of becoming the Democratic candidate? Just thought it might be informative to ask or answer these questions.

  3. I also believe that “IMPEACHMENT” is the only solution. I have thought that for several years already, as I’m sure have many others. The question is: Why can’t the congress or senate? Why are they all so willing to let America be manipulated into yet another war? Especially when you consider the lack of credibility Bush & Cheney have! I just don’t get it! Are these people all sleeping? Are alien’s occupying their bodies? (like in “Invasion of the body snatchers)? It drives me crazy that I can’t figure out what’s wrong with congress or the senate. It’s in both the democrats and republicans best interest to get rid of these two evil monsters. They need to “WAKE UP!” “WAKE UP” “WAKE UP!”

  4. I applaud the efforts of Dennis Kucinich! It took courage to stand up and proclaim that the Constitution should be defended at all costs! And to you, John Conyers, I for one stand behind you and there are millions more like me, do the right thing, sir. And to Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer, I implore you to reconsider, my allegiance will be to all members of Congress who undertake the option to impeach Vice President Cheney!

    I’m reminded of a discussion that Bill Moyers had with Bruce Fein and John Nichols this past summer regarding impeachment. It bears repeating during this critical time: http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/07132007/transcript2.html

    “BRUCE FEIN: All you would need a lecture like that and they’d answer. They’d be embarrassed–And you have to have a certain vision, Bill. You have– you have to have a certain depth of conviction about philosophy and what the Constitution means, why those people died. They reached that last full measure of devotion, Cemetery Hill, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, the Battle of the Bulge, because there was something higher. You have to feel that in your body and your stomach cause you’ve mastered all those people who have sacrificed in the past and you know the danger of unchecked power ’cause you read history. You’re not a novice–

    JOHN NICHOLS: –there may be such people but their first step, their first step must be something that is very hard in these days of extreme partisanship and these days in money and politics and a media that doesn’t cover politics very well. Their first step has to be to say, “I cherish my country more than my party and more than the next election.” And so– probably. We’re talking about a Democrat.

    BILL MOYERS: –to take the lead?

    JOHN NICHOLS: And that Democrat’s first responsibility is to go to Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, the person who decides what committee assignments they may have and even how nice an office they may get, and say, “You know, Nancy, I respect you. I respect you greatly, Mrs. Speaker. But the country’s more important. So you can– you can get mad at me. You can, you know, push back internally and whatever. But I’m going to the American people and I’m going to talk to them like Bruce Fein just did. Now, my sense is the response to the American people and, frankly, the response of a lot of other members of Congress would be to stand up and applaud. But you have to have that initial courage to do so.

    BRUCE FEIN: I think that you have to have not only the courage but you have to have that conviction because it’s part of your being…You understand what the United States is about.


    BILL MOYERS: You just said in one sentence there “impeach Bush and Cheney.” You’re talking about taking that ax against the head of government, both of them.

    JOHN NICHOLS: No. No, no, no.

    BRUCE FEIN: It’s not an ax, Bill.

    JOHN NICHOLS: We’re talking–

    BRUCE FEIN: It’s not an ax– it’s not–Impeachment is not a criminal proceeding.


    BRUCE FEIN: –we cannot entrust the reins of power, unchecked power, with these people. They’re untrustworthy. They’re asserting theories of governments that are monarchical. We don’t want them to exercise it. We don’t want Hillary Clinton or Rudy Giuliani or anyone in the future to exercise that.

    JOHN NICHOLS: Bill Moyers, you are making a mistake. You are making a mistake that too many people make.


    JOHN NICHOLS: You are seeing impeachment as a constitutional crisis. Impeachment is the cure for a constitutional crisis. Don’t mistake the medicine for the disease. When you have a constitutional crisis, the founders are very clear. They said there is a way to deal with this. We don’t have to have a war. We don’t have to raise an army and go to Washington. We have procedures in place where we can sanction a president appropriately, do what needs to be done up to the point of removing him from office and continue the republic. So we’re not talking here about taking an ax to government. Quite the opposite. We are talking about applying some necessary strong medicine that may cure not merely the crisis of the moment but, done right–might actually cure–


    JOHN NICHOLS: –back in 1974, after Nixon had resigned, and said, “We must continue the impeachment process.” It’s– it is under the Constitution certainly appropriate to do so. And we must continue it because we have to close the circle on presidential power. And the leaders in Congress, the Democratic leaders in Congress at the time said, “No, the– country has suffered too much.” Well, this is the problem. Our leaders treat us as children. They think that we cannot handle a serious dialogue about the future of our republic, about what it will be and how it will operate. And so, you know, to an extent, we begin to act like children. We, you know, follow other interests. We decide to be entertained rather than to be citizens.

    Well, you know, and Bruce makes frequent references to the fall of the Roman Empire. You know, that’s the point at where the fall comes. It doesn’t come because of a bad leader. It doesn’t come because of a dysfunctional Congress. It comes when the people accept that– role of the child or of the subject and are no longer citizens. And so I think this moment becomes so very, very important because we know the high crimes and misdemeanors.

    The people themselves have said, if the polls are correct, that, you know, something ought to be done. If nothing is done, if we do not step forward at this point, if we do not step up to this point, then we have, frankly, told the people, you know, you can even recognize that the king has no clothes, but we’re not gonna put any clothes on him. And at that point, the country is in very, very dire circumstances.”


    We must impeach! And we must support Dennis Kucinich who DOES have, “not only the courage, but the conviction – it’s part of his being…he understands what the United States is about.” As does John Conyers. As does the majority of We The People! And finally – as should Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer and all the other members of the House.

  5. I am so proud of the Democrats who supported allowing debate and a vote on the privileged resolution sponsored by Representative Dennis Kucinich on the impeachment of Dick Cheney.
    I won’t dignify him by calling him the Vice President because we all know that the Republicans did not win either election, and I am so ashamed of the Democrats who did not support this resolution.
    My God, what cowards!
    We must keep up the pressure on this illegal administration.
    I am so ashamed of the ball-less Democrats who are afraid of the crooks and traitors who have taken over our government.
    We must debate this question, and tell the world what this monster has done and what he still intends to do.
    I think people don’t understand that impeachment just means bringing the charges, and having them read.
    Don’t tell me we can’t even do that?
    Why did we even fight the revolution?
    Why didn’t we just stay with England?
    This is exactly why the Founding Fathers gave us this concept: to stop tyrants and dictators and usurpers like bushcheney from taking advantage of an open government. We have got to stop being so naive and thinking that America is the greatest country in the world no matter what happens to it.
    We have the republic we are ever vigilant over and willing to be informed about and willing to fight for right here in our towns and cities.
    Please don’t back down on this.
    The future of our country depends on it.
    Germany, too, thought that Hitler was gaining too much power and passing outrageous orders, but kept thinking they would change it back when the crisis had passed.
    When the crisis had passed there was no Germany that they could recognize any more, and he had become the monster they could not stop, and Germany became the pariah of the world.
    Is this what we want for America?
    Please have the courage to fight this bloodless coup by the fascist/corporatists who are bleeding the middle class dry and raping our Constitution, not to mention our civil liberties….the people will be with you.
    Please tell your fellow Democrats that this is why we voted in 2006, to get these bums out and stop the war.
    If this is not done, we will not show up at the polls next time,…you work for us and we will remove your from office if we have to to keep America from being lost forever.
    Please don’t tell me that we are in a war and this is a distraction.
    We will never end the war or wars if we don’t get these shameless war profiteers out of office.
    Please don’t tell me that we have to concentrate on the 2008 elections.
    There won’t be any election if these unethical and unscrupulous administrators are allowed to go on unchecked.
    Please don’t tell me that we have to get off of impeachment and get on with the people’s business. THIS IS THE PEOPLE’S BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    YOU ARE ABOUT TO LOSE THE IDEA OF AMERICA FOR US. DO YOUR JOB, DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Marina Garcia Gelpe
    Teacher, Activist, Wife, Mother, and Grandmother

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